
… to my personal blog about self and software development. Why the heck a blog about these two topics? A simple answer to that: Because I am really passionate about these two things!

Topics on this blog

Probably you will have a good idea, what to expect under the topic software development. This includes posts about coding, architecture, agile methodologies and similar stuff.

Self development on the other hand is a rather broad topic, not as easy to define. For me it includes education in general, productivity methods and ‘just getting a nicer guy’. But there are also more physical aspects of it, like increasing you health, fitness and athletic achievements.

I have got the impression these two topics are not just a focus of my own interests, but are also increasing in popularity in general. The web development scene booms and many involved people really care about self development too. So whenever possible, I will try to merge these topics.

Finally I would like to encourage you, to get in touch with me, if you are interested in this stuff, too. Participate in a discussion on a blog post or just send me a mail.

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